105 Backus St. Cheboygan, MI 49721
Bulk Dry Goods
Buying bulk goods without packaging saves you $$ and helps save the environment by eliminating unnecessary waste.
How does it work?
Step 1: Bring glass or plastic containers from home OR buy jars from Nourish (We also have a bin of free jars that people have donated - think: take a penny, leave a penny system).
Step 2: Weigh your glass or plastic container.
Step 3: Write the weight of the container on the cards we provide next to the scale.
Step 4: Fill your container with your bulk dry good of choice.
Step 5: Write the bulk dry good PLU # on the card you wrote the container weight on.
Step 6: Put your filled container in your basket and continue shopping.
Bulk Goods Offered:
Maple Syrup
Nut Butters
Local Produce
Buying local produce is good in so many ways:
+ You get the most ripe & nutrient dense version of the food.
+ You support a LOCAL business right here in our community.
+ You reduce the amount of carbon emissions by eliminating the travelof getting the food from wherever its grown to our Great North.
Living in Northern Michigans 4 seasons make it difficult to have certain produce fresh year round. We value traditional ways of eating and see benefit to freezing and canning LOCAL produce when it is at its peak ripeness. Therefore, you will not find Fresh Strawberries in our market year round - we will however have frozen MI strawberries available all year (strawberries are one example but we have many more options). But, things like potatoes, onions, apples, carrots & squash store really well so you will be able to find those items available year round (or until the storage runs out).
Local Meat
Eating Northern Michigan grass & bugs, breathing Northern Michigan fresh air and drinking PURE Northern Michigan Water.
We buy the whole animal straight from local farmers, have it processed into popular cuts and freeze it.

Dairy Products
Both Dairy & Goat Dairy options where the animals live right here in Northern Michigan and the dairy products are produced right at the farm.
+ Farmer's Creamery Dairy Farm
+ Farm County Cheese
Nourish Made Foods
Foods made from scratch in our EATery that you can take come and make quickly
+Black Bean Burgers
+Cinnamon Rolls
+Pancake Batter
+Pot Pies
+Shepherds Pie
+Waffle Batter

Michigan Made Goods
Keeping as much money in MICHIGAN as possible.
Not everything is able to be without waste (unfortunately) - we will have products that come in packages and we just can't help that. Our motto is the least amount of packaging is best. If it comes in a glass container, wash it and re-use it to store leftovers or bring it in and fill it with bulk goods.
- If this seems overwhelming to you, don't worry, we are here to help and happy to do so!